Friday, March 27, 2020

Promote Tolerance

Articles – The Centre for Independent Studies

As supported by the constitution, and the humanitarian ideal, advocating for a personal, or shared belief is an inalienable right. Although what one person may hold to be just in their mind, it could just as easily be seen from someone else's perspective as bigoted. Hate speech is included in your right to free speech no matter how immoral and unfounded it can be, but that right is what sparks changes in attitude, hopefully, that means a change for the better. In fact, by observing hateful practices, people could stand to gain an insight into how such behavior should be adapted to the times. Opinions are derived from the environment in which we are educated, and when our education seeks to skew our perspectives, a blatantly racist or sexist remark can be the difference between cognizance, and indifference. 

The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech in ...Many people in our society witness hate speech or some other form of hateful conduct on a regular basis, and despite being aware of its existence, choose to remain a bystander to that injustice. Instances of hate speech can be both minor and dramatized, but the more noticeable the injustice, the more likely consequences will occur. I am not suggesting that people should spew every offensive idea that comes to mind, but in the event, they take advantage of their right to free speech, tolerance can come of the observers. As Lee Bollinger suggested in her book "The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech," the counterintuitiveness of allowing hate speech may act as a catalyst for generating understanding in other aspects of life. I believe that part of the scholarly review's namesake, extremist speech, can incite the greatest response out of the listener. The response may not always be desirable in the eyes of society, but it's potential is abounding. 

All too often we see misguided comments from ralliers in the media, we hear the opinions of the intolerant fueled by institutions incessantly producing propaganda, and without trying to sound overly critical, all you can do is feel sympathy for them. The prejudiced ramblings of reporter's interviewees, on a personal level, inspire me to be open-minded enough for both of us. Hate speech is defined as "speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability." Dissecting this definition, hate speech can occur when alluding to any group, and because of this seemingly bleak reality, people of all different perspectives can perceive this hate speech and with any luck, gain some of that previously mentioned tolerance. 

Sources: Lee Bollinger, "The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech,"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Progression of Photography Through the iPhone:

Image result for photo of someone photographing 1900Innovations like the Kodak Camera of 1885 paved the way for more modern adaptations of photograph technology. In its beginning, photography could be considered very difficult for a variety of factors, all of which either degraded the quality of the photograph or made the person in the frame uncomfortable while posing. A seemingly unknown fact about old photos; the reason behind a lack of expression in so many of dated photos lies in the prolonged time spent posing while the images were being captured. The time needed to develop each photo also put a strain on the process, due to the smaller margin for error, seeing as how the final product could not be seen in the photos app like our modern-day equivalents. 

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With modern technology we carry around each day, our camera phones, iPhone in particular, allow for an incredibly streamlined process for taking photos. It is increasingly more difficult to be dissatisfied with your photos as a few taps of the button gather dozens of images or live shots, which captures a few moments to then gather images you may have missed in the initial shoot. In the latest model of iPhone, the camera quality have far surpassed any expectations for a portable camera phone, with a variety of features and display sizes “(5.8 inches on the iPhone 11 Pro at 2,436 x 1,125 resolution and 6.5 inches with 2,688 x 1,242 resolution on the iPhone 11 Pro Max, both at 458 pixels per inch).” Thanks to the elimination of the major problems presented by earlier cameras, the art of photography is not only optimized to adjust to the lifestyle of any iPhone user, but now it is not a matter of what is left to fix, but rather, what more could improve these high-quality cameras. 

Woman Standing Taking Picture of Scenery