Sunday, February 23, 2020

Carrier Pigeons, Winged Heros

As methods of communication continue to evolve, it is interesting to see the rapid progression of our communication channels. Today the physical distance has all but been eliminated by the use of digitalization, helping communication to become near-instant over the cyber plane. Many of these innovations we see today such as instant messaging, email, and phone calls are all a part of modern history, but far more rudimentary ways of relaying messages are still within our society, however obsolete they may be. Past century’s use of telegraphs, radio, and in-person letter delivery are just a few methods previously employed to get a message to the intended receiver. One method that particularly stands out would be the way of carrier pigeons, a delivery method arguably with more moving parts than most of their modern counterparts. 

Image result for carrier pigeon ww1Carrier pigeons, technically known as homing pigeons, can be noted as a method of relaying messages as far back as ancient Rome. In a world with limited access to electricity or none at all to speak of in the Romans’ case, winged messengers are far more efficient than on-foot delivery. While not all physical barriers are overcome, the delivery system is, or was, an effective medium for its time. Pigeons are not inherently known for intelligence, but despite outward appearances and a scavenger guise, the pigeon is extremely adept at navigating great distances to return home. This homing ability, like many creatures in the animal kingdom, is mysterious, but believed possible by a sun reliant compass mechanism, as well as utilizing magnetic fields, also called magnetoreception.

Notable usage of carrier pigeons in World War I and II brought recognition to homing pigeons. In World War I specifically, carrier pigeons could be found in every branch of the military thanks to their accuracy and speed in battlefield messaging. Frequent updates to on-ground commanders provided the necessary information to formulate the most successful battlefield tactics. In the modern-day, the use of carrier pigeons is more of a novelty than a dependable communications system, because there is a higher margin of error in comparison to other channels. Whereas electronic messaging has inhibiting factors such as reception and access to power, carrier pigeons, in many cases, were faced with the clad of bullets over the battlefield. Such obstacles were expected, but not as impactful as one might think, considering the small size and high speed of a bird in flight. In summary, the tactical advantage of carrier pigeons when considering the lack of modern communication technology outweighed any foreseen complications and were instrumental in saving countless lives during military conflicts. Dating back, pigeons have served as reliable curriers in a variety of situations and subsequently contributed to the evolution of communication as an early success.


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