Thursday, September 17, 2020

Digital Art: A Procreate Overview

If you are at all familiar with digital art then you have likely heard mention of the innovative digital art studio, Procreate. This program, unlike many design and editing software housed within the Adobe Creative Cloud, is a one-time purchase of $10, making for a low-risk investment on the user’s part. Over quarantine, many people were faced with abounding free time to pick up new hobbies, exercise, bake bread, whatever it may be, but with the few months I spent at home, I was able to take the necessary leap to try digital art through Procreate. 

Although the process of learning can be very time consuming, the applications of digital art and graphic design are wide-ranging across many career fields. Procreate’s program is a raster graphics editor, meaning that the art you create will be pixel-based, similar to that of photoshop. When I researched the Procreate before my initial purchase, I found that reviews of the app reflected the easy transition from working in photoshop to Procreate, this is likely because of the utilization of layers within each project. When exporting a piece of artwork from the app, you can use a variety of file formats like PDF, Jpeg, and a Procreate native file, but interestingly enough, the option to export as a photoshop file is available. This feature would allow the layers to stay intact and become easily transferable to other programs like Adobe Illustrator. 

My journey learning about the program has been aided by dozens of tutorial videos and my experience with graphic design. Despite the slow start, I would recommend this program to anyone contemplating a hobby in digital art, or even someone looking for a creative outlet to express their ideas. I cannot count how many times I have been able to incorporate this program into school projects, extracurriculars, and everyday life as an amateur artist. 


Saturday, May 2, 2020

Final Post: Our Relationship With Technology

As new generations transition into society as the older exit, the children of each respective generation normalize the use of technology during their upbringings. Technology is an aspect of their lives they have never gone without, unbeknownst to the user or not, this creates what can only be described as a dependency. With all things, and as we have heavily touched on over the course of Media Law and Ethics, unforeseen consequences follow with every advancement we make, cyberbullying being a prime example of this. Although technology’s consequences can be unavoidable, the devices themselves are not inherently bad, and it’s a matter of proper use adding detriment to the outcome.

On the topic of communication, technology has exponentially expanded avenues in which to communicate and broadened it so greatly that communication has become an entire field of study, as I am a participant. While technology like telecommunication devices, social media, and the internet have dramatically improved global connectivity [1], the added time communicating through these channels could play a large part in the younger generation’s waning, in-person communication skills.

Work environments are especially susceptible to the damage ensued by the consequences of communication technology. The process of relaying information has been heavily optimized, but that can often gloss over the negative impact of different online amenities, such as social networking sites degrading workplace productivity. Research shows that overuse of social networking, such as Instagram, Facebook, and so on, can cause an overall lowering in employee’s attention span, although this is not limited to employees but any users of these sites [2]. In addition to the sense of validation, or lack thereof, derived from social media, any negative emotions can be far-reaching into the lives of users, and subsequently the work environment.

Effective Communication in the Workplace

Technology can more often than not take the form of a double-edged sword to our society, but I suppose the alternative of being unarmed would be too great a change for people, chiefly among them, myself. Risk management and the continuous assessment of technology’s impact should be imperative for each generation, serving as a way to keep our net damage in check. Overall, if I had to define our society’s relationship with technology and everything encompassed with it, I don’t think I would receive much debate when referring to it as a love/hate relationship.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

EOTO: Propaganda

In its simplest definition, propaganda is merely information presented in such a way that it would persuade the viewer. Although propaganda has received a particularly negative connotation in the news media and throughout history, propaganda in itself is not evil. Propaganda can easily be considered a simple avenue of communication, however, there is a latent potential for disseminating misinformation when crafting it. Weighing the implications of its strong influence, propaganda can either work to better society, or work as a detriment to its growth depending on the messages you imbed within. 

Propaganda postersA popular example that comes to mind when people think of propaganda is the harmful Nazi sort that served to dissuade revolt, this was accomplished through fostering a dangerous sense of nationalism in the German people. Conversely, an American equivalent, and one with less malicious intent, is Rosie the Riveter. While Nazi propaganda sought to run a campaign on the intense emotions of fear and pride, the purpose behind Rosie was to work as a symbol for the women joining the workforce during World War II as a means of stimulating economic growth. While each example could be said to have ulterior motives behind their messages, each's use of propaganda was, at its core, a tool of persuasion. 

Aside from any major historical examples of propaganda, you may notice that propaganda presents itself to you in your daily life. From the commercials we hear through the radio on our commutes to work, to the advertisements we scroll pass on Instagram, and any piece of media remotely political, we experience some form of propaganda, however minor. There is no definite way to prevent its influence over us, as propaganda is omnipresent throughout our society and operates anywhere in the range of subliminal messaging, to brazen statements of opinion. On a base level, propaganda can be very political, or of ordinary social concern, but the important takeaway is to always be aware of who is providing the information, and what the underlying goal of the message is. 

Propaganda Design: Inspiration, Tools, Resources, and Techniques ...


Monday, April 20, 2020

Ted Talk: Christopher Soghoian

In a Ted Talk with Christopher Soghoian, the idea that surveillance systems on personal communication devices lack security and are too susceptible to outside observation are deliberated. While wiretapping and hacking could almost be considered commonplace in today’s world, the notion that cell phone companies have steadily ingrained easy-to-use surveillance properties into their devices may not be beneficial to society as a whole.

What is iMessage and how is it different to normal text messages?Soghoian acknowledges that there are many outside forces such as terrorists and foreign government agents that would be more difficult to catch without the existence of our easily monitored networks, but at the same time raises the point that there is no such technology specifically intended for illegal activity. People all around the world use these communication devices, and when not securely encrypted to protect your data, not only are the terrorists’ information easily accessed but every user of that technology. Recently, Silicon Valley tech companies have put a greater emphasis on encryption into our communication devices, and providing free avenues for protected messaging, the example used in the Ted Talk was Apple’s iMessage feature.

Big Brother (Nineteen Eighty-Four) - WikipediaMy standpoint on the matter is that the availability of some of our information is pertinent to national security in certain cases. That being said, the privacy of the individual should not be disregarded and put in low priority for the sake of the federal government to catch a handful of criminals. While some invasions of privacy may be warranted, but from an objective standpoint, such instances do not justify infringement on privacy rights to the American citizen. To monitor our personal affairs without cause would undoubtedly influence, negatively so, the freethought of the individual. Such a reality parallels an Orwellian dystopia characterizes by “Big Brother” surveilling our day to day exchanges.

George Orwell, 1984

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social Media Presence and Digital Footprint

When I unlock my phone in the morning, like many people, I check social media right away to read any messages I may have gotten while asleep. I’m unsure as to whether or not I would consider myself addicted to the platforms I have a presence on, but I can acknowledge that they provide a certain level of comfort in my daily life. The ability to keep up to date with my friends helps maintain a connection to them even as we find less time to spend with each other because of school, work, or geographic obstacles. However, the main concern I have for my social media accounts is the performance that is inherent to the internet, the notion that my pictures, thoughts, feelings, and personal information are made accessible to any social media user is daunting. Not only does that fact influence my content, but it pressures me to present my desired self to the world, as opposed to a more authentic representation of myself.

I participate in just about every social media platform, I like to be knowledgeable about each because of social media’s growing relevance in our society. It does not come as a surprise that school systems, especially at the collegiate level, have recognized the importance of your image on social media; LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook are all points of reference when determining a person’s character, however subjective that perception of them may seem. My footprint, as it were, has been limited to occasional posts with friends on Instagram, retweets I find relatable, and a professional overview of my accomplishments on LinkedIn. Needless to say, I don’t just release disseminate any random occurrence from my life onto the internet, rather, I carefully craft an image of myself that other people, and future employers, in particular, would find respectable.

4 Steps To a Profitable Social Media Strategy Using Visuals and ...

While I scroll through various feeds and see the weekend exploits of my friends, I can’t help but feel a little left out because I’m not documenting everything on my Instagram, I have to think about the consequences. If you take the idiomatic phrase “footprint” and apply some of the practices I have discussed, the end product will have clean lines, visible grooves, and appropriate forms that would warrant a positive review. Although I have this more reserved philosophy on social media postings, everyone participates for their different reasons, some may even be for therapeutic purposes, but the most important thing to keep in mind is what you are comfortable sharing with the world.


Thursday, April 2, 2020


Familial situations are evermore varying and have subsequent dynamics between members that do not always fit what you and your family may consider being "normal." Incorporated into this dynamic is the level of trust and involvement in each other's lives, bringing me to the widely debated app amongst younger generations. Life360: Noted for its usefulness in traffic-related incidents such as flat tires, jump starts, collisions reporting and other roadside services, has also become a popular means of tracking your children. 

Life360 - Family Locator, GPS Tracker - Apps on Google Play
The app gained popularity shortly after entering the market because of its practical use in tracking close friends and family who are apart of your designated "circle." The early adopters were the most cautious parents, not only was it a peace of mind to the consumer but it ensured a more invasive role in your child's life, but perhaps to their detriment. The debut of the app was in 2008 but slowly gained traction to arrive at its current place in the app store as the premier tool in a helicopter parent's bag of tricks. Despite studies showing the need for privacy in childhood development, the app remains near the tipping point as more and more parents gain an understanding of the technology. 

Life 360: Creepy or Crucial? – Tideline
The intentions of this app may have once been pure and not unlike similar programs like Apple's "Find My Friends," but somewhere along the way, it seems that life360 devolved into the all-seeing eyes of Big Brother (1984, George Orwell). The downside to this class of privacy limiter does not only fall unto the child robbed of independence but to the parent as well. An unhealthy obsession with the life of someone other than your own, child or not, does not pose abounding benefits to either party. The app used in moderation and with clear boundaries discussed with all participants may warrant the usage, but because of the needlessly protective parenting styles in recent years, life360 is often abused. Unfortunately, because what I suspect to be a heightened sense of control, I do not foresee this technology quickly descending the saturation curve and exiting the market entirely. 


Friday, March 27, 2020

Promote Tolerance

Articles – The Centre for Independent Studies

As supported by the constitution, and the humanitarian ideal, advocating for a personal, or shared belief is an inalienable right. Although what one person may hold to be just in their mind, it could just as easily be seen from someone else's perspective as bigoted. Hate speech is included in your right to free speech no matter how immoral and unfounded it can be, but that right is what sparks changes in attitude, hopefully, that means a change for the better. In fact, by observing hateful practices, people could stand to gain an insight into how such behavior should be adapted to the times. Opinions are derived from the environment in which we are educated, and when our education seeks to skew our perspectives, a blatantly racist or sexist remark can be the difference between cognizance, and indifference. 

The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech in ...Many people in our society witness hate speech or some other form of hateful conduct on a regular basis, and despite being aware of its existence, choose to remain a bystander to that injustice. Instances of hate speech can be both minor and dramatized, but the more noticeable the injustice, the more likely consequences will occur. I am not suggesting that people should spew every offensive idea that comes to mind, but in the event, they take advantage of their right to free speech, tolerance can come of the observers. As Lee Bollinger suggested in her book "The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech," the counterintuitiveness of allowing hate speech may act as a catalyst for generating understanding in other aspects of life. I believe that part of the scholarly review's namesake, extremist speech, can incite the greatest response out of the listener. The response may not always be desirable in the eyes of society, but it's potential is abounding. 

All too often we see misguided comments from ralliers in the media, we hear the opinions of the intolerant fueled by institutions incessantly producing propaganda, and without trying to sound overly critical, all you can do is feel sympathy for them. The prejudiced ramblings of reporter's interviewees, on a personal level, inspire me to be open-minded enough for both of us. Hate speech is defined as "speech that attacks, threatens, or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability." Dissecting this definition, hate speech can occur when alluding to any group, and because of this seemingly bleak reality, people of all different perspectives can perceive this hate speech and with any luck, gain some of that previously mentioned tolerance. 

Sources: Lee Bollinger, "The Tolerant Society: Freedom of Speech and Extremist Speech,"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Progression of Photography Through the iPhone:

Image result for photo of someone photographing 1900Innovations like the Kodak Camera of 1885 paved the way for more modern adaptations of photograph technology. In its beginning, photography could be considered very difficult for a variety of factors, all of which either degraded the quality of the photograph or made the person in the frame uncomfortable while posing. A seemingly unknown fact about old photos; the reason behind a lack of expression in so many of dated photos lies in the prolonged time spent posing while the images were being captured. The time needed to develop each photo also put a strain on the process, due to the smaller margin for error, seeing as how the final product could not be seen in the photos app like our modern-day equivalents. 

Image result for iphone 11 camera display png
With modern technology we carry around each day, our camera phones, iPhone in particular, allow for an incredibly streamlined process for taking photos. It is increasingly more difficult to be dissatisfied with your photos as a few taps of the button gather dozens of images or live shots, which captures a few moments to then gather images you may have missed in the initial shoot. In the latest model of iPhone, the camera quality have far surpassed any expectations for a portable camera phone, with a variety of features and display sizes “(5.8 inches on the iPhone 11 Pro at 2,436 x 1,125 resolution and 6.5 inches with 2,688 x 1,242 resolution on the iPhone 11 Pro Max, both at 458 pixels per inch).” Thanks to the elimination of the major problems presented by earlier cameras, the art of photography is not only optimized to adjust to the lifestyle of any iPhone user, but now it is not a matter of what is left to fix, but rather, what more could improve these high-quality cameras. 

Woman Standing Taking Picture of Scenery

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Typewriter: Relevant and Impactful

As an important predecessor to the modern-day keyboard, the typewriter laid the foundation for the development of modern communication that does not utilize any verbal components. There is a bit of slight controversy over the origins of the typewriter due to a patent in 1714, the first commercially viable typewriter was accessible to the public as early as 1874. This typewriter is most similar to the initial image that uses the standard keyboard layout.

Image result for the typewriterThe set-up of the original typewriter streamlined the writing process, allowing for quicker production times. The “QWERTY” organization of keys on a keyboard is a prime example of the typewriter’s relevance to this day. Although the typewriter is far too inefficient to function above the modern standard of speed and accuracy, it can be said to be a huge leap forward as an innovation applicable to media, literature, communication as a whole, and a variety of other disciplines.

Aside from the apparent milestone in the evolution of communication technology, the typewriter gave rise to opportunities for females in the workplace. It comes as no surprise that women were not accommodated in most industries during that era, but the lighter workload of typing could have been a relatively appealing position as opposed to factory laborers’. Overall, I would say that this technology was one that affected society as a whole, in multiple facets nonexclusive to its intended field, a true innovation.


Sunday, February 23, 2020

Carrier Pigeons, Winged Heros

As methods of communication continue to evolve, it is interesting to see the rapid progression of our communication channels. Today the physical distance has all but been eliminated by the use of digitalization, helping communication to become near-instant over the cyber plane. Many of these innovations we see today such as instant messaging, email, and phone calls are all a part of modern history, but far more rudimentary ways of relaying messages are still within our society, however obsolete they may be. Past century’s use of telegraphs, radio, and in-person letter delivery are just a few methods previously employed to get a message to the intended receiver. One method that particularly stands out would be the way of carrier pigeons, a delivery method arguably with more moving parts than most of their modern counterparts. 

Image result for carrier pigeon ww1Carrier pigeons, technically known as homing pigeons, can be noted as a method of relaying messages as far back as ancient Rome. In a world with limited access to electricity or none at all to speak of in the Romans’ case, winged messengers are far more efficient than on-foot delivery. While not all physical barriers are overcome, the delivery system is, or was, an effective medium for its time. Pigeons are not inherently known for intelligence, but despite outward appearances and a scavenger guise, the pigeon is extremely adept at navigating great distances to return home. This homing ability, like many creatures in the animal kingdom, is mysterious, but believed possible by a sun reliant compass mechanism, as well as utilizing magnetic fields, also called magnetoreception.

Notable usage of carrier pigeons in World War I and II brought recognition to homing pigeons. In World War I specifically, carrier pigeons could be found in every branch of the military thanks to their accuracy and speed in battlefield messaging. Frequent updates to on-ground commanders provided the necessary information to formulate the most successful battlefield tactics. In the modern-day, the use of carrier pigeons is more of a novelty than a dependable communications system, because there is a higher margin of error in comparison to other channels. Whereas electronic messaging has inhibiting factors such as reception and access to power, carrier pigeons, in many cases, were faced with the clad of bullets over the battlefield. Such obstacles were expected, but not as impactful as one might think, considering the small size and high speed of a bird in flight. In summary, the tactical advantage of carrier pigeons when considering the lack of modern communication technology outweighed any foreseen complications and were instrumental in saving countless lives during military conflicts. Dating back, pigeons have served as reliable curriers in a variety of situations and subsequently contributed to the evolution of communication as an early success.


Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Road to Suffrage

In class we brushed over the ratification of the 19th amendment, which can be argued to be one of the most equalizing amendments to the constitution, seeing women were granted the right to vote and they make up roughly half our population. The suffrage granted to women in 1920 set a precedent for the entire feminist movement, which stills holds a great amount of relevance in this world due to the soaring rates of domestic violence, harassment, infringements on reproductive rights, and many more injustices that fall underneath this veritably pink umbrella. The road to that suffrage, and the subsequent movements that have ensued, were achieved through a long journey riddled with racial exclusion and anti-humanitarian idealism.

Like the events following the 15th amendment that stood to stifle its progress, women across America experienced the same obstacles, and particularly those of color. Not unlike the African American men in the south, barriers such as poll tax, literacy tests, and other acts of exclusion barred women from representing themselves in our democracy. These instances of subjugation were not exclusive to the American south, women from Puerto Rico, which was and still is a territory, were not allowed suffrage because the 19th amendment did not extend into the territory. Literate Puerto Rican women were later enfranchised in 1929, preceding the enfranchisement of all citizenized Puerto Rican women in 1935. Historical data suggests that while many women were supportive of the Women’s Rights Movement, many more lied consistently with intolerant attitudes of racism in the country at the time. For the colored supporters of this movement, their encouragement was admirable, yet in instances declined by the middle-class white women who spearheaded the crusade.

The struggle for equal rights is an ongoing battle, one that shows no signs of concluding even today. Women, among many other groups, combat discrimination within a conservative society that progressed as quickly as it ever has, with little urgency. The Women’s Rights Movement was tethered to many prejudices, it was a historical account of perseverance in the face of adversity, but most importantly, it was, and is, a shining narrative of the will of people to gain a voice among the wrongly disenfranchised.


Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Essence of Social Slavery

Image result for jim cro

Slavery was one of the most reproachable periods in American history,  characterized by cruelty, injustice, and negative attitudes that persist even into the modern era. Slavery then, existing for the economic stability of the agrarian communities in the American South, persisted through post-war acts of discrimination against African Americans, only here slavery was just a little more subtle, seeing how as it was illegal. The injustice during the enslavement of African Americans, and what could be considered slavery in a different and seemingly less pronounced form, promoted inequality over distinct levels. While the governmentally sanctioned mistreatment of former ‘slaves’ was then after the war condemned, Americans, especially in the south, persisted to persecute African Americans in a variety of avenues in society in such a manner that I refer to those set of circumstances as a kind of social slavery.

The cultural attitudes in the south had been influenced by the long-standing hierarchies, both social and racial, subsequently impeding the white southerner’s mental outlook regarding the shift from blacks’ enslavement to citizenship. It is an important distinction to refer to African American enslavement as such, and not slavery, which could imply that at some point the subjugated were, in fact, slaves. No person has ever been a slave, for no person has ever been lesser than the rest of humanity, the benchmark of personhood is invariably observed to be in every human. However, the reality remained that such truths were inconceivable to many people in the US at the time, understandable given their child-rearing, yet nevertheless inexcusable.

Any fundamental change cannot occur in a night, only after the initiative can be realized amongst the entirety of the people can this change make true advancement. The bigoted members of southern society, raised only knowing the institution of slavery as beneficial, would more than likely be disgruntled after the ratification of the 13th and 14th amendments, unjustifiably so, but a reasonable assumption nonetheless. I believe that the efforts imposed by former slave owners to diminish the rights granted to African Americans were rooted in their superiority complexes. The whole situation strikes one as rather petty given the backstory, this pettiness, unfortunately, seems to have been adopted by the following generations, giving rise to the racism we still see today.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Scrutinizing Our Subscriptions

During an age characterized by the digitization of financial transactions, many find themselves bombarded with waves of small fees that, at the time, appear as inconsequential. Yet the reality that remains is that astounding of which accrue over the year due to a lack of both organizations, and minimal urgency in budgeting. For the less technologically proficient individual, as well as those who only loosely track their finances, nothing as simple as an itemized list of expenses just appears in front of them, which unfortunately will take a little more effort on the consumer’s part.

 It is estimated that we each spent upwards of $600 on digital subscriptions, these services ranging from our streaming services, music, online tools and a variety of other online amenities (The New York Times). This is a sum that may appear minuscule in the grand scheme of yearly expenses, yet when you consider the amount of use gained from the service, it could alter the attitudes of some. You may be wondering, what is the significance of outlining the obvious here? Well, to that I have to say, we need more simplicity in our lives. Varying types of subscriptions renewing at different times only cause for confusion. Our mindless accounting of these expenses hinders financial fiscality. It makes sense, anyone would take several smaller blows over one great one, after all, large numbers are intimidating. However, opting for spread out payments creates the illusion that you are spending less, subsequently leading one to be frivolous with their money. Financial responsibility is a key component in many aspects of life, but the resounding issue we face is the inherent disorganization in our digital accounting, creating financial anarchy if you will.

 An excellent start to handling your services is to start with an audit of your subscriptions. Analyzing all the constantly recurring expenses, and weighing their importance with their cost will give an idea of how much you are spending, and if you deem that expense necessary. If you find yourself continually canceling and renewing subscriptions, just know that waiting to cancel right up until the time of renewal has no benefit. Interestingly, subscription-based services are still available to you for the entire period you have paid for, and unsubscribing will not usually revoke access to your service until the renewal date has completely passed. Moving forward, keeping a ledger that holds an account of your subscriptions can both put your finances into a much-needed perspective, as well as promote the fiscally responsible lifestyle that everyone could use.